Personality Meets Professionalism

Thompson Driver Profile

Thompson is proud to have a professional team of drivers rolling down the road daily. We have asked several of our top owner operators “what do you think the difference is between Thompson’s drivers vs the competition”? All of these drivers explained it came back to one thing, that being professionalism. Specifically Szilvia(10132) is a prime example of Thompson’s expectations for drivers commitment to customer service.

Every time Szilvia talks to a customer she understands that the impression she gives will be a lasting one. When asking Thompson’s own marketing director Mark Bortolotti about Szilvia he explains;

“Every time she leaves a business card, she emails me stating who she gave it to and where. From there we can followup with that potential customer with the use of our sale staff. Szilvia ‘s use of business cards is very helpful to get new customers.”

We continued to ask around at Thompson what is the importance of driver professionalism specifically through the use of business cards. Lucas Moore (Digital Media and Business Development) explained further as to the importance of this interaction;

“When making sales calls over the phone it is hard to make a lasting impression, the customer may only hear my voice or see an email I send them. This all changes when I talk to a customer that Szilvia talked to! I am able to talk about the card that was given to them (both the feedback survey and the business card). This has led to more new customers and more work for our drivers.”

This is not only recognized from inside of our company but from the view of our customers as well. In multiple survey’s submitted directly by Thompson Customers, our drivers are described as;

“they’re very professional and really helpful.”


“Best carrier company hands down , keep up the good work guys.”

Thompson encourages all drivers to use the tools that we have given them such as business cards or the customer feedback leave behind. The bottom line is that the more customers that we get the more loads/money our drivers make. We hope that you will remember this next time that you are unloading.